What are some of the benefits of having axle, CV joint, or driveshaft repairs?

Some of the components essential for the optimum performance of your vehicle includes the CV joint, axle, and driveshaft. It is important that you ensure that these components are in excellent condition if you are to get the best out of your vehicle.

What are the functions if the axle, CV joint, and driveshaft in a vehicle?

The driveshaft of your vehicle connects the rear differential and the transmission. It is an aluminum or steel cylindrical part that is attached to the transmission through the CV joints. The CV joints transfer torque at a constant speed to the drive wheels from the transmission. This allows the axle to bend while adapting to the bounce of the wheels, and also helps with bearing the weight of the vehicle. The axle also has an additional function of sustaining the forces due to accelerating and breaking. Just like every other component of your car, the CV joint, axle and driveshaft will require maintenance even with normal use over time.

Axle, CV Joint, and Driveshaft Repair
Ensure your vehicle runs smoothly with well-maintained axles, CV joints, and driveshafts that adapt to wheel bounce and bear weight.
Axle, CV Joint, and Driveshaft Repair Services:
  • Driveshaft Inspection
  • CV Joint Maintenance
  • Axle Servicing
  • Component Replacement

Advantages of axle, CV joint, and driveshaft repair

Usually, the kind of sounds produced by these parts would suggest to you if you need to schedule an inspection for your vehicle. An issue with the CV joint will be suggested by clicking and clucking noises and will be fixed by replacing the part. A damaged driveshaft will usually result in problems with steering and turning and it will also vibrate during acceleration. A damaged axle will do the same, although this depends on the design of your vehicle. Damages to the CV joint is usually caused by the leakage of grease out of the CV boot.

The rate and extent of damage to your vehicle’s driveshaft, CV joint and axle depends on several factors. This is why it is necessary to ensure you schedule a regular inspection of your vehicle. Contact us today to learn more about the important vehicle components and how frequent you need to repair them.

Key Benefits of the Service

Taking your car in for regular service help you in ensuring everything is working properly and also to avoid such issues before they arise.

Time Saving

Find issues before repair become expensive

Increase Safety

Regular tire inspection will keep you safe

Frequently Asked Questions

You can make an appointment by calling Bockman’s Auto, Truck & Tires in DeKalb at 815.754.4200 or Bockman’s Auto, Truck & Tires in Sycamore at 815.756.7413, or using our Make an Appointment request form.

As for a quote, when you drop off your vehicle, our technicians will carefully examine your vehicle and provide you with an accurate time estimate.

The time needed by a vehicle to completely get repaired typically depends upon the level of repair required and availability of auto parts. When you drop off your vehicle, our technicians will carefully examine your vehicle and provide you with an accurate time estimate.

When you drop off your vehicle, our technicians will carefully examine your vehicle and provide you with an accurate time and cost estimate. Our invoices reflect the total cost in parts and labor increments. You can be certain that the parts used were purchased according to your vehicle’s needs and requirements.

In many cases, depending on the design of the vehicle, locating an electrical problem or replacing a part requires disassembly of a section or removal of other parts to access the area for repair. When you drop off your vehicle, our technicians will carefully examine your vehicle and provide you with an accurate time and cost estimate.

Our top priority is to keep you and your passenger’s safe while riding in your vehicle. If the repair can wait, the advisors and the technicians will work together to help you prioritize the urgency of the repairs and maintenance needed.