How to know when you need to have your brake fluid changed

How to know when you need to have your brake fluid changed

Brake fluid can become an "out of sight, out of mind" vehicle component—we often do not think of it until something goes wrong. However, your brake fluid is working hard every day to keep you safe on the road. Over time, it can become burnt out, depleted, or contaminated, which will prevent proper brake functioning. Be on the lookout for these 5 signs you are due for a brake fluid flush.

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What can cause brake noise with new pads and rotors? Lots of things! 

What Can Cause Brake Noise with New Pads and Rotors? Lots of Things! 

magine this scenario: You pick up your car from the repair shop, excited to see how it feels with new brakes on the front and back wheels. But you don’t make it home before you notice the brakes are squeaking. You start wondering if the mechanic actually did the work and questioning if he did it right. New brakes shouldn’t be squeaking, should they?

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